Pagespeed Insights Checker

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About Pagespeed Insights Checker

Google Pagespeed Insights Checker


Page speed is one of Google’s most important ranking factors. You can use Google PageSpeed Insights to measure the page speed of both your desktop and mobile websites. Page Speed is also known as the "Website Load Time" OR “Performance score” this refers to the amount of time that a user needs to spend to show all the content of a specific web page. It is also the time that a web browser takes to get the information from the server.

Internet users don't want to wait too long that is why website speed is one of the critical components when it comes to classifying the page speed insights. Basically, Google PageSpeed Insights is a solid tool for the analysis of your website.

What is Google PageSpeed ​​Insights?

Google Insights speed checker shows the speed of a webpage or website on both mobile and desktop. It also provides the best hints to improve the webpage speed.

Nowadays, websites that load rapidly and extremely fast are making to the top positions in search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo). According to some surveys conducted in the past, it was found that 47% of people expect a web page to load in less than 2-3 seconds, and 40% of people leave a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load. So page speed is important to every website's survival in the online market.

This page speed Insights checker tool is the only tool that can provide you with all the information you need that is related to website load time. This website load test tool checks everything from different images to files.

With the help of the page speed checker tool, you can quickly see what the loading time of your site is, and you can compare it with the page speeds of other top sites in the internet industry.

If you have checked your site's page loading speed and you have noticed that it is taking much time to load, then here are some very effective tips that you should start following right now:

1. Reduce Server Response Time.

2. Minimize HTTP Requests.

3. Compress your images through online image compression tools.

4. Enable Browser Caching.

5. Reduce the number of Plugins that you use on your site.

6. Optimize CSS Delivery.

Always remember that a website that has a faster website load time is guaranteed to gain positive results.




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